“It is soul-crushing to be treated as if I have never stepped foot in the US”

“Leaving my home behind at 8 years old, my family decided to move to the US after the Egyptian Revolution. Although I was certainly scared, I heard so many incredible things about the US. I was excited to have clean and safe public parks, running water, and electricity.  As a young child, it seemed likeContinue reading ““It is soul-crushing to be treated as if I have never stepped foot in the US””

“This was just the beginning of my eyes opening to injustices that thrived on immigrants’ hard work all around me.”- Vidushi S.

The American Dream is defined as “the ideal by which equality of opportunity is available to any American, allowing the highest aspirations and goals to be achieved”. It was something I strived for, before I understood the concept. My family moving to the US was a big deal, as the States are glorified and romanticizedContinue reading ““This was just the beginning of my eyes opening to injustices that thrived on immigrants’ hard work all around me.”- Vidushi S.”

“She was Different.” – Damita T.

Different. who knew one word could radiate so much negativity like being split between two worlds, never good enough for either alienated by her food, her clothing, her language they didn’t even let her be ‘normal’; they barely respected her “status, status, status.”— the word mocked her everytime she heard it she would never beContinue reading ““She was Different.” – Damita T.”

“The one thing that kept me going was my parents. Knowing how much they had sacrificed for me, I decided to not let this be my story.”-Sarvani Kunapareddy

I vividly remember the day I arrived at the Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport with a tiny backpack and my hand gripping my father. We were greeted by my mother who arrived in the USA a year before us. Looking back on this moment, I never realized that this one decision my parents made to giveContinue reading ““The one thing that kept me going was my parents. Knowing how much they had sacrificed for me, I decided to not let this be my story.”-Sarvani Kunapareddy”

“But I choose to let no obstacle stop me from my dreams. I will continue to fight with the grit and determination my parents have instilled in me.”- Harishree Karthik

I remember my first flight journey. I was a 7 year old girl on a journey to a whole new world-America. Little did I know that my first plane ride would turn my whole life into a series of firsts. I remember timidly reaching for my first chicken nugget at a McDonalds, where my momContinue reading ““But I choose to let no obstacle stop me from my dreams. I will continue to fight with the grit and determination my parents have instilled in me.”- Harishree Karthik”